Mobile Phone Recycling from Envirofone Can Make You Money

Macclesfield, United KingdomMost people swap their mobile phones every couple of years.  There may be nothing wrong with their previous phone but it is surprising how many people just throw these phones away or leave them unused at the back of a cupboard.  You could actually make money from old phones with mobile phone recycling from Envirofone.

Envirofone makes it easy for you to recycle mobile phones and make some extra cash.  Don’t waste phones that you do not need anymore and instead see how much you could get for them from Envirofone.

Why Recycle Phones?

Envirofone can recycle any mobile phone regardless of the age or condition.  If a phone is badly damaged it can be stripped for parts or smelted to extract any precious metals.  Phones that are still in good working condition can be refurbished and then sold on again to new customers second hand.

Mobile phone recycling provides consumers with an effective way to make the most of old phones and earn money.  This also helps to reduce landfill and conserve the planet’s precious resources.

Fast and easy Mobile Phone Recycling

At Envirofone we are committed to mobile phone recycling.   We have over 1.5 million customers in the UK and Ireland alone and have so far paid out in excess of £85 million for old, broken and used mobile phones.   Here are just a few compelling reasons why you should consider mobile phone recycling from Envirofone.

  • Envirofone are a trusted recycling company and will offer you a fair price for your old mobile phone.
  • You could get up to 85% of the full value of your mobile phone when you recycle with Envirofone.
  • We can offer a number of payment options for you including PayPal and direct bank transfers (BACs).
  • Our user-friendly websites makes it easy for you to recycle your mobile phones. You can use the online database to quickly search for your old mobile phone model and see how much it is worth for recycling.
  • We cover the postage charges by providing you with a padded envelope and freepost label.   This means it costs you nothing to send your phone in for recycling (special delivery is recommended for top value phones).
  • All you need to do then is sit back and wait for your phone to be received and the payment released.

Envirofone offers you a way to make money from mobile phone recycling and help the environment.

Author Bio:

Mobile phone recycling is fast and easy with Envirofone.  Our trusted service ensures you get the best deal for your mobile phone so you can make the most of your money.



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