The WINKS Masseuse: A New Icon of Sensuality

The WINKS Masseuse: A New Icon of Sensuality

London, England (March 05, 2010) – WINKS London, the leading service provider of outcall/visiting premium executive massages in the Central London area, explain exactly what it takes for young women to become one of their expert WINKS Masseuses.

The WINKS Masseuse exhibits beauty and sensuality at every turn, yet complements it with a deep and enthusiastic understanding of sensual massage, wisely employing ancient, yet powerful massage artistry with an elegant touch and intellectual disposition to a select clientele within the London area.

The WINKS Masseuse must not only reveal her natural beauty, but must also be friendly and approachable – WINKS believe beauty is entwined within the personality as well as the physical form. They must also be able to grasp the understandings of commanding and personal techniques such as naturist and tantric massage, yet also have the creativity to offer fresh, innovative ideas to improve areas of concept massage techniques for their executive clients.

“The WINKS Masseuse is an elegant and sophisticated creature who can bring a whole new world of pleasure and personality to clients when they ask WINKS for an expert and luxurious sensual massage,” stated the WINKS London management. “The WINKS Masseuse must have a certain captivating air around them, and potential applicants must know that, if successful, they can look forward to a well-paid, exciting career which can offer flexible working hours and the possibility of travel. We’re looking for applicants with that ‘special something’.”

For more information about WINKS London, please call 0779 889 0224 (between 13:00 -02:00 UK time only), e-mail: or visit

About WINKS London:

WINKS London created the concept of designer sensual massages for adults. With a wide selection of fully trained, international masseuses, the company provides an exclusive and high quality outcall/visiting massage service throughout the London area. Please note that WINKS London is not an escort agency nor offer sexual services of any kind.

Contact us:

Tel: 0779 889 0224 (no SMS)
