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Using Promotional Staff as Brand Ambassadors Proves Effective

England 20/2/2013 – In a competitive environment, where money is short, branding and effective marketing are more important than ever

Ngage Limited provides a wide range of services to help firms to promote themselves and the products and services they offer. This means that they have a good understanding of what promotional techniques work on today’s consumers and which ones are less effective.

What consumers respond to evolves and changes over time. Today, the personal touch combined with strong branding appears to be what is selling.

Modern consumers are drowning in digital data and advertising. It has reached the point where most forms of visual advertising, be it posters, adverts, banner ads or SMS messages are automatically screened out. Within a few seconds of seeing something most consumers switch attention. This means that advertising messages delivered in this way are only clearly received by a tiny number of potential customers. The brand has no face, so does not really make a lasting impression.

The personal touch works

However, the same is not true of one on one, face to face marketing carried out by properly trained brand ambassadors. This is still a very effective marketing technique. It can be deployed in a range of places from trade shows, to the street.

Of course, there are consumers who will not engage face to face. However, most people will do so if approached in the right way, by the right type of person. When done right large numbers of consumers spend at least a few minutes talking about and therefore, thinking about the product or service on offer and the company offering that service. They may not buy there and then, but they walk away with a far stronger impression of the company and its products than they would otherwise have. When they want the product of service, the first company that pops into their head is going to be the one that has made the strongest impression. Usually that is the company who has interacted with them face to face in the past. Ngage train their promotional staff to act as brand ambassadors. This means tailoring the people they use to match the demographics of that company’s key customer base. Promotional staff are taught about the products, so they make a strong impression and can talk about the advantages of what is on offer. In other words they act as true ambassadors.


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2 Beaufort Parklands

Guildford, Surrey, UK

Zip: GU2 9JX

Tel: +44 (0) 845 680 0682

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