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Trucks Direct UK Comments as Survey Reveals Workers’ Silence on Safety Risks

Birmingham, United Kingdom (11th May, 2012) – Trucks Direct UK Ltd, one of the UK’s largest suppliers of quality used forklift trucks for sale and hire, comment as a survey of materials-handling industry workers reveals that up to three-quarters of individuals notice “accidents waiting to happen” at work.

The study, available to members of the UK’s Fork Lift Truck Association (FLTA)’s Safe User Group, asked nearly 250 people from different companies about the safety practices in their workplaces. Respondents included forklift drivers, frontline workers, and management and safety officers.

About 75% of those polled said they felt their workgroup was at risk from one or more “accidents waiting to happen”. However, only one-third of them said they would speak up about such dangers.

Simon Watkins, of Trucks Direct UK Ltd, shares five simple, cost-effective tips to help bring operators on-side and reduce the impact of ‘blame culture’:

1. Make it easy to report an issue – Operators should already know to take urgent matters to their line manager. But companies should make sure there is one central person who coordinates health and safety and inform operators of the way they should report matters.

2. Make it anonymous – Having a simple printed card and a drop box is a quick and easy way for staff to voice concerns anonymously while also providing a documentation trail for company records.

3. Make it worthwhile – A small reward, a voucher or a free lunch for the month/quarter is something that may just tip the balance between whether operators report a health and safety issue or not.

4. Make it happen – If operators are reporting issues and see nothing happening, they will stop bothering to report them. When an issue is reported, declare it and put a timescale on it. When it has been investigated, share the results. Whether the status quo remains or if changes need to happen, explain why.

5. Two little words – Thanking operators is the most simple and effective way of ensuring that they will keep doing the right thing. If your company has an internal newsletter, consider a section highlighting the good work. If people see their name in print, it raises their self-esteem, and possibly their profile, among their peers to help encourage others. In a smaller company, a section of a notice board could do the same thing just as effectively.

For more information on Trucks Direct UK’s products and services, please visit or call 0121 344 4744.

About Trucks Direct UK Ltd:

Centrally-located in the West Midlands, Trucks Direct is one of the country’s largest suppliers of quality used forklift trucks, with many years of trading and thousands of satisfied customers throughout the UK and overseas. The company’s long history and extensive contacts in the industry enable us to offer the highest-quality vehicles at the lowest prices. Trucks Direct’s customers range from small businesses acquiring their first forklift, up to some of the country’s largest plc companies, and they employ qualified engineers to ensure that each vehicle sold is thoroughly checked and delivered with 12 months L.O.L.E.R. certification.


Simon Watkins

Trucks Direct, Gailey Park

Three Acre House

Walsall Road, Perry Barr

Birmingham, UK

Zip: B42 1TP

Tel: 0121 344 4744


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