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botonics Comment on Liposuction Being World’s Most Requested Surgical Procedure

London, United Kingdom (15 October 2010) – botonics, London-based cosmetic surgery specialists who employ some of the most experienced medical professionals in the field, comment on survey results that indicate that liposuction is currently the world’s most requested surgical procedure.

A recent global survey carried out by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS) shows that liposuction overtook breast augmentation as the most performed surgical procedure globally in 2009. Liposuction accounted for 18.8 per cent of all procedures whilst breast augmentation stood at 17 per cent. The ISAPS biennial global survey was conducted using reliable worldwide statistics which have been thoroughly analysed by medical experts and specialists.

The results come as no surprise to botonics who have themselves seen a large increase in the amount of people requesting liposuction procedures from their services. botonics are able to offer their clientele a huge range of liposuction services across virtually every inception of the procedure, including vaser lipo under a general anaesthetic, laser lipo
(smart lipo) and more.

“Our liposuction services are currently some of the furthest reaching and affordable in the UK today, and we can help advise those who come to us requesting the service on which course of action is most suitable for their body type,” says Bill Green, Managing Director of botonics. “There are a huge variety of factors at play when people choose to undergo a procedure such as liposuction. They may have embarked on a diet and exercise regime for years, yet are unable to lose certain pockets of fat, or they may want more reconstructive surgery to move their fat to enhance other areas of their body. Our surgeons at botonics are liposuction experts, and can help you to find the treatment that’s right for you should you ever wish to undertake a lipo procedure.”

To find out more about botonics and the cosmetic surgery solutions they provide, visit their website at or telephone 0845 680 1964.

About botonics:

London-based cosmetic surgery clinic, botonics, have an excellent reputation for clinical care and offer innovative practices and services, which is complemented by skilled specialists in the field of providing medical aesthetic treatments. They can offer free consultations by trained practitioners who will provide realistic advice regarding the treatments you are looking to have. botonics can provide treatments such as botox, breast enlargement, liposuction, vaser and more.


botonics Ltd.,
10 Harley Street

Tel: 0845 680 1964

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